Allan Cochran Information and Inventory

Allan Cochran

(1888 - 1971)

Allan Cochran


Cochran was a student of John Carlson first at the Art Students League then later in Woodstock, where he became virtually a permanent resident from 1905 until his death at the age of eighty-two. Biographical information indicates one of the few places he visited outside of Woodstock was Gloucester, where this wonderfully sensitive view of Smith’s Cove, Gloucester Harbor, was executed. I discovered this piece in 1990 at Howard Godel’s in New York. As I recall, Cochran’s distinctive style and palette employed in his Woodstock landscapes, especially snow scenes, were not yet really appreciated. In truth, if this had not been a Cape Ann image, I would not have purchased it, in spite of Howard’s persuasive salesmanship. Since the late 1990s, Cochran’s reputation and appreciation for his work have increased substantially, as have his prices.

Allan Cochran Gallery

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